
Table of Contents


The purpose of the application is to restrict keyboard and mouse usage so that the child can only use a specific application.

The application you want to keep working with after locking can be specified in two ways:


Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 8 32-bit or 64-bit
Windows 10 32-bit or 64-bit
Windows 11

LiteLockr has no special hardware requirements. If your computer is capable of running Windows 8 or higher, the LiteLockr will run.


LiteLockr is a portable application that does not require installation or additional .dll files. You just need to unpack the archive into a folder of your choice and start LiteLockr.exe.

Getting Started

The most important source of information about LiteLockr is this online help. To access it from LiteLockr, do one of the following:

  • Press F1 on the keyboard
  • Click in the main window
Online help
Online help

User Interface

The main window has three buttons to control the desktop lock: Lock/Unlock, Keyboard and Mouse.

User Interface
Lock/Unlock button

The Lock/Unlock button turns the lock on and off depending on the current state. The Keyboard and Mouse buttons determine if the keyboard and mouse will be locked.

Click to open the application settings, the online help and the About window.

Online help

Locking the Desktop

There are several options for locking the desktop. With LiteLockr you can:

  • Lock the keyboard and mouse together
  • Lock the keyboard only
  • Lock the mouse only
  • Lock the keyboard/mouse in all applications
  • Keep the keyboard/mouse unlocked in the applications you selected
Buttons: lock, keyboard and mouse
Lock button

Before locking you can set accessibility of the keyboard and mouse using the Keyboard and Mouse buttons.

The keyboard will be locked The keyboard will be locked
The keyboard will not be locked The keyboard will not be locked
The mouse will be locked The mouse will be locked
The mouse will not be locked The mouse will not be locked

To lock the desktop, do one of the following:

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + B or the keyboard shortcut you chose
  • Click the Lock button to start the lock with a 5-second delay
  • Press Ctrl and click on Lock to start the lock immediately

If you just click Lock, the delay timer starts; after it runs out, the desktop will be locked. You can stop the timer by pressing Esc or by clicking the Cancel button:

Cancel button
Cancel button

If an unwanted window opens on the desktop, Double Click to hide it. You don't need to unlock the desktop. This command will minimize the window but it won’t close it.
This window can be a system message, software update etc. Below is an example of the system message about low battery, which is overlapping the application you are using:

Double-click here
Double-click here

Unlocking the Desktop

To unlock the desktop, do one of the following:

Unlock button
Unlock button

Unlocking with the Unlock button activates protection of the desktop from being accidentally unlocked by the child.

Type your answer
Type your answer

You can disable this function by disabling the Prevent your child from unlocking input devices option in the settings.

Unlockable Apps

You can exclude an application from being locked by the following methods:

When the desktop is locked, the active application is highlighted with blue corners, which means that this application is excluded from being locked.


After locking the desktop, the taskbar becomes inaccessible, but the buttons of unlockable apps will keep working.

The taskbar is locked
Buttons can still be used

It might take some time for the taskbar to get locked, it depends on the performance of the operating system.


All program settings are stored in LiteLockr.ini, which is located in the same folder as LiteLockr.exe.
LiteLockr.ini should be accessible for writing, otherwise the application won't be able to save settings.

Settings Dialog

To open program settings, click , then


The settings dialog will open, where you can change the following parameters:

  • Lock / Unlock hotkey
    Keyboard shortcut to lock or unlock the desktop.
    Ctrl + Alt + B by default.
    You can set any other combination, for example, Ctrl + Shift +
  • Don't lock the following apps
    Excludes the listed applications from being locked.
  • Don't lock the current application
    Excludes the current application from being locked.
    At the moment of locking, when you pressed Ctrl + Alt + B, or the pre-lock delay timer ran out, the program will work out the name of the .exe file of the current window and mark that application as unlockable.

    • LiteLockr will unlock all processes created by that .exe file
    • LiteLockr will unlock all windows belonging to those processes

    For example, if you have several Paint windows running, and you unlock one of them, all Paint windows will be unlocked.
  • Prevent your child from unlocking input devices
    Protection from accidental unlocking by the child.
    An attempt to unlock the desktop will generate a simple question, for example, 2 x 5 = ?
  • Use a 4-digit PIN
    When enabled, your PIN code will be requested instead of the question.
  • Start with Windows
    Start LiteLockr when Windows starts.
  • Lock on startup
    Lock the desktop when LiteLockr starts.
General settings
  • Show notifications
    Show messages in the notification area when the desktop is locked/unlocked.
  • Hide tray notification icon when locked
    Hides the LiteLockr icon in the notification area (also referred to as the system tray) when the desktop is locked.
  • Unlock on Ctrl+Alt+Del
    Unlock the desktop when pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del
  • Delay before locking
    Delay before locking, in seconds.
    5 seconds by default.
  • Automatically lock when idle
    Lock the desktop when the system is idle for the specified time.
  • Event interception
    The following values are available:
    • Global Windows Hook
      Global low-level keyboard and mouse hooks will be used to intercept events. This value is used by default.
    • Interception Driver
      Interception driver will be used to intercept keyboard/mouse events. If it is not installed, you need to install it first.
Advanced settings

Command Line Options

The following commands can be useful in working with LiteLockr:

  • lock
    Start desktop lock with a delay specified in the Delay before locking option.
    LiteLockr /lock
  • locknow
    Lock the desktop immediately.
    LiteLockr /locknow
  • unlock
    Unlock the desktop.
    LiteLockr /unlock
  • log
    Output the log to the file LiteLockr.log.
    LiteLockr /log
  • exit
    Close the program.
    LiteLockr /exit